Advocacy & Action

Legislative Priorities

Spring 2023

The 2023 Legislative Session began March 7, 2023 and is scheduled to adjourn May 5th.

The following is a list of bills related to water quality and land use that we are tracking along with our partners.

At times we may issue action alerts to contact specific committees prior to hearings. Please be sure you’re subscribed to our mailing list to receive action alerts.

FL Legislative Session


SB 172 Berman & HB 177 Gossett-Seidman: Safe Waterways Act – Requires DOH to adopt, enforce and issue health advisories for fecal indicator bacteria

SB 816 Polsky & HB 843 Cross: Challenges to Development OrdersRequires that prevailing parties show that the challenge to a development order was frivolous before being awarded attorney fees

SB 1538 Stewart & HB 423 Cross: Implementation of Recommendations of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force

SB 192 Avila & HB 175 Busatta Cabrera: Everglades Protection Area – Requires comprehensive plans in areas around the Everglades to follow a coordinated review process


SB 1240 Burgess & HB 1197 Maggard: Land and Water Management – Preempts county and municipality rules related to water quality, quantity, pollution control, wetlands protections

SB 540 DiCeglie & HB 359 Duggan: Local Comprehensive Plans – Discourages and penalizes citizens for challenging local comprehensive plans

SB 1604 Ingoglia & HB 439  McClain: Land Use and Development Regulations – Encourages sprawl and increasing density in areas without any future planning to support the increased population, preempts local ability to deny zoning changes

SB 170 Trumbull & HB 1515 Brackett: Local Ordinances – Allows for local businesses to sue local governments over ordinances

HJR 129 Roth: Requiring Broader Public Support for Constitutional Amendments or Revisions

Last updated March 10, 2023

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