Blue Green Algae Spotted Along SWFL Beaches

by | May 7, 2020 | Featured, Press

Originally published by FOX4 News on May 5, 2020

A form of blue-green algae is appearing along Southwest Florida beaches.

While it’s not red-tide, some researches have concerns.

This week, patches of Trichodesmium blooms were spotted from Bonita Beach to Gordon Pass.

A sight Calusa Waterkeeper, John Cassani says, is not uncommon this time of year.

“Climate change, all the extremes we’re seeing, rainfall, and temperatures, has kind of brought this issue out of the box a little bit,” said Cassani.

Trichodesmium is a type of marine cyanobacterium or blue-green algae, typically found off-shore.

While some strains of blue-green algae do produce toxins, researchers have not documented any negative effects on people in Florida or marine life from Trichodesmium.

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