Now that we number 82 volunteer Rangers (covering 1000 square miles of water in our watershed), it is not feasible for us all to meet on a monthly basis. So, the various Ranger Zones meet monthly, and every three months we gather members of our entire Ranger program to get reports from Zone Leaders, exchange best practices and get an overview and read out from our Waterkeeper, John Cassani.
CWK Quarterly Ranger Meeting - Winter 2020
Tidal Ranger Zone leader Terry Nelson and Estero Ranger Zone leaders Chris & Ed Shinouski gave reports on their zones and we welcomed the formation of a Fresh Water Reach Zone group, headed by Danika Hopper and Scott Perry.

The Ranger program continues to mature under John’s steady guidance. It is gratifying to see Zone Leaders take initiatives in building out programs to drive advocacy and water testing in their respective areas of our watershed.