Originally published by WGCU and written by Tom Bayles on March 5, 2024

Back in 2018, Connie Ramos-Williams was driving over the old Sanibel Bridge when she saw the depth and breadth of that year’s blue-green algae outbreak. The nasty green goo was everywhere, affecting everything. Ramos-Williams burst into tears.

At that moment, she promised herself, if she ever got the chance to do anything about the harmful algae bloom crisis, she would.

Now, as the new director of Calusa Waterkeeper, she is front and center in the fight against harmful algae blooms.

“I came out of early retirement to take the role of director of the Calusa Waterkeeper because I really do find it my mission to help protect our number one natural resource and that’s water,” she said. “We are facing a crisis with our water. And if our generation doesn’t do something to find solutions to restore clean water in our communities it’s going to get passed on to our next generation.”

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