The ill-conceived Eden Oaks development moves forward with a Lee County zoning hearing scheduled for April 23rd.  Calusa Waterkeeper (CWK) has opposed this development located in mangrove wetlands along Shell Point Boulevard in South Fort Myers. This is the type of development that was built back in the 1960s before people understood the damage caused by destroying mangroves with dredge and fill projects.  The Eden Oaks developer seeks to dredge and fill approximately 37 acres, of which 21.5 acres are mangrove forest.  Such forests protect the coast against storms, help improve water quality and serve as critical habitat for marine species such as the endangered smalltooth sawfish.

CWK concurs with the Lee County zoning staff report that recommends denying this request. The staff report states that if this development is approved, it “will adversely affect environmentally critical and environmentally sensitive areas and natural resources, and presents compatibility related concerns to adjacent uses as a result of these adverse environmental impacts.”  CWK believes that there are no conditions that could be imposed that would support permitting of this proposed development.

The Lee County hearing will be held April 23rd, 9:00 am in the Hearing Examiners Room, 1500 Monroe Street, second floor, Fort Myers. Please join Calusa Waterkeeper in voicing your opposition to this proposed development.