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Engineers Meeting to Discuss Lake O Discharges as Algae Toxins Build

by | May 21, 2021 | Press

Originally published by WINK News on May 21, 2021

The Army Corps of Engineers is meeting at 11:30 a.m. Friday to discuss how many new discharges of water will be released from Lake Okeechobee into our area, and for how long.

This meeting comes as high levels of toxins are once again in our water. The Florida Department of Health says this is especially dangerous for pets and children, and can cause stomach or liver problems if you accidentally swallow the water. Because of that, we have algae health alerts up and down the river, from the Franklin Lock to the Alva and Davis boat ramps.

Experts worry we’re on a 2018 blue-green algae trajectory, faster and sooner. The Calusa Waterkeeper takes toxin samples from the water, and one sample showed the water around a boat ramp has a reading of above 700. The Environmental Protection Agency says it should be at eight.

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