Calusa Waterkeeper 30 Year Logo
Originally published in The News-Press by Amy Bennett-Williams on November 21, 2019

Aside from a few lawyers, it’d be hard to find anyone to disagree that Maggy Hurchalla is the real deal: real Floridian, real environmentalist, real storyteller, real character.

As the New York Times put it in a recent profile of Hurchalla: “She is one of the few remaining voices of a generation that remembers hurricanes before they had names, the last surviving child of a mother who built the family homestead by hand. Her life has spanned much of the state’s modern history, a story of growth inextricable from development.”

This former Martin County commissioner, who also happens to be Janet Reno’s little sister, will take the stage Saturday in Fort Myers, joined by a band of fellow eco-luminaries at a fundraiser for Calusa Waterkeeper.

To be able to listen to her at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center will be a rare treat, says Calusa Waterkeeper Executive Director K.C. Schulberg, who’s dubbed Hurchalla “the lioness of the environmental movement.”

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