Fecal Bacteria is the New Water Crisis in Southwest Florida

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Featured, Water Testing

Originally published by WINK News on March 29, 2019

Bacteria is contaminating water all along our coast.

There is a new water crisis in Southwest Florida. It is not algae or red tide, but bacteria and fecal matter where we kayak and fish.

John Cassani, Calusa Waterkeeper said the test results made public by the Department of Environmental Protection are alarming.

“What’s unusual though about this list is the type of water bodies that are being impaired,” Cassani said. “And what’s important about that is that many of these in-fact all of the Estero Bay tributaries are what we call outstanding Florida waters.

“They’re designated for special protection because of their high value and high water quality value,” Cassani said.

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