Florida Lawmaker Wants to Stop Lake Okeechobee Water Releases

Apr 13, 2022 | Press

Originally published by WINK News on April 13, 2022

A Southwest Florida lawmaker working to stop harmful discharges that cause blue-green algae in our canals. They want Lake Okeechobee to operate without water releases for good.

From stinky blue-green algae to murky brown, coffee-like water along the coast, the water that flows from Lake Okeechobee has a big impact on the Caloosahatchee River.

Representative Brian Mast says he wants to clear things up. Wednesday, he introduced the Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan Act focusing on ending discharges from Lake O into coastal estuaries.

The plan is to make the US Army Corps of Engineers build more infrastructure.

“Really, the only way to reduce discharges east and west is to build more storage, and that’s going to take a long time to do,” said Calusa Waterkeeper John Cassani.

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