Health Alert and Warning of Blue-Green Algae Issued for Alva Boat Ramp in Lee County

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Press

Originally published by WINK News on April 22, 2021

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County is issuing a health alert for the Alva Boat Ramp based on reports of algae toxins found by the ramp.

When blue-green toxins are detected, DOH recommends individuals avoid contact with the water.

“Some of these toxins cause neuro-degenerative disease that manifest years and years later,” Calusa Waterkeeper John Cassani said. “And so you need to be aware of that and try to avoid exposure.”

Blue-green algae can cause gastrointestinal effects if swallowed. Children and pets are especially vulnerable, so keeping them away from the water during a bloom is important.

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