Thank you – your voice made a difference!

Your efforts over the past weeks and months in contacting the Governor’s office have paid off. Wednesday morning Governor Ron DeSantis announced his decision to veto Senate Bill 2508 and held multiple press conferences in Fort Myers and West Palm Beach.

Calusa Waterkeeper, along with many environmental partners, have been advocating for a veto of this damaging bill since it passed the state legislature. SB 2508 was easily one of the worst water related bills we’ve seen since 2016, and we should all be very grateful it will not become law.

Given this is an election year, it is important you remember the representatives that enabled this damaging legislation.

  • Remember that Senate leaders Ben Albritton and Wilton Simpson spearheaded this bad bill.
  • Remember that none of our Southwest Florida representatives in Tallahassee voted in opposition of this bad bill.

Remember that voting is one of the most important things you can do to help our water quality.

Thank you again for your support of this important advocacy initiative. There is always more work to be done, but this is a win worth celebrating.

Thank You to our Partner Organizations

Calusa Waterkeeper is grateful to partner closely with several other organizations in an effort to see SB 2508 vetoed by our Governor. A special thanks to James Evans, Chief Executive Officer of the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF), Eve Samples, Executive Director for Friends of the Everglades, and Nicole Johnson, Director of Environmental Policy with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida who have been conferencing regularly with Calusa Waterkeeper John Cassani on this and other issues.