Originally published in The News-Press by Bill Smith on February 19, 2019

A site on Hancock Creek in North Fort Myers could become a Lee County public boat ramp, replacing a ramp in downtown Fort Myers that has closed to make way for development.

County officials are looking into acquiring property off Moody Road to the south of Hancock Bridge Parkway for the new boat ramp.

The owners of the site, a company owned by real estate investors Charles and Virginia Huether, have offered to donate the property for use as a boat ramp, County Manager Roger Desjarlais said.

“The property is extraordinarily sought-after and expensive, so I really do think the city and the county really should work hard to have a replacement for the Centennial Park boat ramp,” Cassani said. “There is so little access now, losing one more boat ramp would really be difficult for boaters.”

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