Public Comment Still Needed on Lake Okeechobee

by | Feb 12, 2019 | Lake Okeechobee, Policy, Press

As reported by FOX4 News on February 12, 2019

John Cassani with Calusa Waterkeepers spoke to the League of Women Voters’ Environmental Committee at the Cape Coral Public Library. He spoke about water quality issues in our area, and how to keep the momentum going for recent changes.

However, he says right now, the concern is that red tide and blue green algae could return to those high levels we saw a few months ago. “Red tide is still out there. Not quite dispersed and not quite as severe but we still have a little bit of that lingering,” said Cassani. “We’re worried that when the water temperature goes up both the Cyanobacteria and the red tide will respond and increase.”

Pubic input is needed for the Lake Okeechobee System Operations Manual (LOSOM). We urge you to submit a comment before March 31st to: [email protected]

Submit a Comment

Or, you may also submit comments by mail:
Dr. Ann Hodgson
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District
P.O. Box 4970
Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019