As reported by Roger Williams of Florida Weekly on Mar 13, 2019.

Jason Pim, small business owner, Calusa Waterkeeper ranger and commodore of the Caloosahatchee Marching & Chowder Society sailing club on the Caloosahatchee River: “Gov. DeSantis has come out strong on water quality, so it’s left some environmentalists asking, ‘Who is this guy?’

“The goalposts he put in place are ambitious. Now it’s up to our state Legislature to fund these initiatives, drive the ball down the field and start kicking it through the uprights. Let’s be honest; we’re not even thinking of touchdowns yet.

“What would be a touchdown? The repeal of a 2016 state water bill that gave polluters, which is all of us, 20 more years to come into compliance with nutrient loading limits. BMAPs (Basin Management Action Plans) and TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads) are intimidating terms, but all of us in Florida should start to learn more about them. They’re the ways we measure storm run-off into our waterways and manage nutrient pollution — the fuel for harmful algal blooms.

“In short, Florida’s Basin Management Action Plan program is simply not working … If Florida can’t start enforcing better pollution regulations and manage growth responsibly, none of the great people the governor has appointed to the water management boards and new task forces are going to have much of a shot at improving the situation.

“Our governor has proven he’s serious. Now it’s time for our Legislature to prove they’re also up to the task. We’ll probably hear a lot about septic tanks and plastic straws during this legislative session. But until we address the elephant in the room — BMAPs, which look at all sources of run-off pollution — I’m not sure much will change with our water quality.”

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