Red Tide Still Plaguing Southwest Florida Shores

by | Jan 12, 2021 | Press

Originally published by WINK News on January 12, 2021

Dozens of vultures gathered on Bunche Beach on Tuesday feasting on dead fish that washed up on shore thanks to red tide.

But further up the beach, Jerry Lightner, of Pennsylvania, said everything’s been good.

Before his beach trip, he said, he read about red tide and was concerned.

“Read about what it does to your respiratory system,” Lightner said. “We were a little nervous about it, to come down and rent a place for a while and have to deal with red tide. It was a little scary for us.”

A red tide bloom can irritate the eyes and cause people to cough. It’s hard to predict when a red tide bloom will begin and when it will finally go away. A red tide bloom that began in 2017 didn’t go away until 2019. Lots of factors come into play when it comes to breaking up a red tide bloom.

“Some of the notable ways we define severity is how long the red tide bloom lasts and we don’t know when this one is going to end,” said Calusa Waterkeeper John Cassani.

As long as nutrients are feeding the bloom, it is here to stay.

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