Report Shines Spotlight on Southwest Florida’s Water Issues

Oct 25, 2021 | Bacteria Monitoring, Press, Stormwater

Originally published by WINK News on October 25, 2021

A state report shows trouble in Southwest Florida’s water. Scientists warn that areas of our water are polluted with nutrients and bacteria.

While the findings are no surprise to those who sample and study our waterways, the unwanted attention could be a much-needed wake-up call.

Along the Caloosahatchee River, some creeks and canals that flow from the rivers are listed as impaired for bacteria or nutrients, according to to the new report.

Our waterways are the arteries running across the Sunshine State. But what can we do when the lifeblood of our home is unhealthy?

“Kind of the root of the problem is this paradox between, you know, rapid growth that’s being promoted at various levels and maintaining water quality,” said John Cassani, Calusa Waterkeeper.

Cassani says striving for both rapid, profitable growth and water quality is not always sustainable.

“We think you can have sustainable, smart growth and protect your waters, but the kind of growth we’re seeing is damaging our waters,” said Cassani.

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