Runoff from Construction Sites Enter Caloosahatchee River

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Press

Originally published by WINK News on June 4, 2020

Construction runoff has been getting into the Caloosahatchee River recently and residents and professionals alike have noticed murky patches.

John Cassani, with the Calusa Waterkeeper, says, “Well, this is a very significant construction site sediment runoff.”

Cassani says he found out about it from a downtown Fort Myers resident and he then reported it to authorities. “One of the most important parameters that the agencies regulate is what we call ‘Total Suspended Solids’,” he said.

A spokesperson for the City of Fort Myers said in a statement, “Yesterday’s rain event and the resulting discharges to the Caloosahatchee were the result of conditions at three separate sites.” Those three sites are: City Walk and Silver Hills construction sites as well as Pointe Royale Condominiums.

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