Originally published on Fox-4 by Bella Line on June 21, 2024

The temperature is heating up in the air, and the water. We know that blue-green algae is something we deal with in the summer, but Calusa Waterkeeper volunteers tell me it’s early in the season for canals to look like this…

For Pim, blue-green algae is nothing new. “I remember in 2016, 2018, being concerned about taking friends and family out on the boat for July 4th and hanging out in the water,” said Pim. “Then now, these last three years, it seems to be happening a lot earlier.”

I drove around Southeast Cape, and found blue-green algae in several places, especially off Cornwallis Parkway.

“Our storm, water runoff, whether it’s a residence, whether it’s agriculture, farm, golf course, it all is high in nutrients and all runs off in a storm,” said Pim. “Unless we’re going to be better stewards of our land, it’s going to end up in the water.”

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