In lieu of holding a general membership meeting in April 2020 and doing our part to avoid large group gatherings, the Calusa Waterkeeper board proceeded with filling open board positions at our directors meeting in May. 

We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to outgoing board members David Laties and Marti Daltry, and are thrilled to announce new incoming board members Chuck Avery, Louise Kowitch and Jason Pim, who will now be serving as Vice President. In addition, several officers have committed to providing valuable continuity and stay in their positions into 2021. President Ruth Watkins and Treasurer Jim Watkins will be serving another year in those positions and Kathy Cookman has volunteered the new Secretary of the board.


Chuck Avery


Louise Kowitch


Jason Pim

Meet Our Full Team

Also, in case you missed it, please join us in officially welcoming Cindy Swisher who came aboard June 1 as our new part-time Administrative Coordinator, along with Nonnel Galaviz-Johnson, as Community Outreach Coordinator on our Billy’s Creek restoration study. Nonnel will be our lead organizer, working under John Cassani and our Billy’s Creek restoration planning committee.


Cindy Swisher


Nonnel Galaviz-Johnson